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Современный сервис

ХУТКI предлагает современный сервис, в основе которого лежит ответственность курьера, удобство для пользователя и скорость доставки. Курьеры ХУТКI - это свободные и самостоятельные исполнители, подключенные к нашей платформе и гарантирующие выполнение заказа. Курьер ХУТКI выступает нашим равноправным партнером, не более и не менее. Мы не выступаем обязывающей стороной в отношениях заказчик-курьер.

Уникальная возможность зарабатывать деньги в свободное время

Для этой работы не требуются специальные навыки. Все что вам понадобится - это смартфон, желание двигаться и хорошее настроение. Вы сами выбираете сколько и когда работать, сами определяете маршрут и способ передвижения.

Узкоспециализированный сервис

ХУТКI - это узкоспециализированный сервис. Курьер занимается только доставкой из точки А в точку Б. Мы ценим своих партнеров-курьеров - все доставки должны быть надлежащим образом оформлены и иметь определенный вес. Подключение к сервису абсолютно бесплатно, без абонентских плат или взносов. Работа с сервисом интуитивно понятна и проста - берете доставку, выполняете заказ, получаете вознаграждение на свой счет.

Как стать курьером ХУТКI?

зарегистрируйтесь на сайте как курьер.
пройдите онлайн-инструктаж
получите бонусную сумму на ваш счет и начните зарабатывать, выполняя заказы по доставке

Наши курьеры

Есть что сказать?


  1. What does the service do?
  2. Who can order a delivery?
  3. Where do I start?
  4. How do I know I am ready to take orders?
  5. How can I see the available orders?
  6. What should I do after taking an order?
  7. What are the requirements for ASAP orders?
  8. Can I return an order to the pool after accepting it?
  9. What does two-way delivery mean?
  10. What does Car requirement mean?
  11. What do I do if the recipient is not there?
  12. What to do if a recipient refuses to accept the delivery and close the order?
  13. What should I do to make delivery complete?
  14. What if the receiving party does not have the code?
  15. What should I do if the goods properties are different from what is in the order?
  16. What is goods look suspicious?
  17. What if I made a mistake and accidentally accepted an order I cannot make?
  18. Can I be charged for not meeting the delivery requirements?
  19. Can I be denied the service? What are the reasons?
  20. What to do to resolve a dispute with the client?
  21. What are the working hours?
  22. Should I have ABN to be a courier?

What does the service do?

We help people by connecting ones in need to deliver something with others who can do it. We do not have any staff or employees. All delivery providers are people like you, who simply want to use their time and earn some extra for their families and themselves. We only charge for the use of the IT platform we crafted for the convenience of both, customers and providers of the service.

Who can order a delivery?

Any person over 18 years old.

Where do I start?

To become a courier or a service provider you have to register in the system and leave a request for review by service managers. You may need to provide ID and may be asked to provide an actual Police check document. You have to have a valid phone number and a mobile device (usually a phone) which meets the requirements of the service mobile application (check it in Google Play or Apple Store). IMPORTANT: Make sure you read and agreed to the Service Agreement before you start.

How do I know I am ready to take orders?

Upon approval of your request, you should receive a notification. This means you are ready to take orders.

How can I see the available orders?

You can see all pending orders in your Account View. Check “Available Orders” menu.

What should I do after taking an order?

We recommend that you contact the client and figure out all the details of the delivery.

What are the requirements for ASAP orders?

ASAP orders are special express delivery option for the clients. It puts a limitation on how long it may take to complete the delivery. If you take on such an order, make sure you can fully complete it in 2 hours time (starting from taking the order by you).

Can I return an order to the pool after accepting it?

You can only give the order back to system pool under valid contingency, such as broken transport or sickness. Should this situation occur to you, you must contact Support immediately.

What does two-way delivery mean?

This means that the client wants a courier to go to the destination and then back to the starting location.

What does Car requirement mean?

This means that couriers with car can only take the order.

What do I do if the recipient is not there?

By the rules of Service we kindly ask you to wait for 15 minutes. It is also recommended to give a client a call and remind then that you are waiting. When 15 minutes wait time is exceeded please call Support for further advice.

What to do if a recipient refuses to accept the delivery and close the order?

Please try to figure out the reason of refusal and then contact the Support. If a delivery was prepaid then inform the refusing party that the payment is still required following the service agreement.

What should I do to make delivery complete?

Upon the receiving of goods, the receiving party should give you a code, which you can use to close the delivery in the system. You may only ask for the code when delivery is complete.

What if the receiving party does not have the code?

Please call the Support to resolve this situation.

What should I do if the goods properties are different from what is in the order?

If size, weight, type of the goods are different from what is in the order, the courier may refuse to deliver it. To avoid penalties, please call Support immediately in such a case.

What is goods look suspicious?

If you suspect the goods may be dangerous or have any other suspicion about them, you may ask the client to show you the content. You may also take a photo of it. If the client refuses, please call Support for further instructions.

What if I made a mistake and accidentally accepted an order I cannot make?

Please contact Support immediately.

Can I be charged for not meeting the delivery requirements?

Yes, there are fees for missing deadlines and other requirements, or on the cost of damage to goods, if any.

Can I be denied the service? What are the reasons?

Here are the reasons why you may be denied the service: - Breaking the terms of the Service agreement; - Dealing with the client directly; - Misconduct; - 30 days of inactivity; - Breaking the Australian Law.

What to do to resolve a dispute with the client?

You should call the Support to resolve this situation.

What are the working hours?

Any hours convenient to you.

Should I have ABN to be a courier?

Yes, you should have a valid ABN and you should provide it to the Service during registration.